November’s Birthstone - CITRINE Physical Properties and Science of Citrine

Citrine is found in igneous (rocks produced under conditions involving intense heat) and metamorphic rocks, particularly in granite and gneiss. It is also found in classic sediments (matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid). Most good crystals are found as gauge minerals in mineral veins. Citrine is often found in association with, but it is much more rare than its purple cousin. Because it resists weathering, it is also found in alluvial sands and gravels. The largest supplier of natural citrine is the Rio Grande do Sol state in Southern Brazil. Citrine mines in the US are found in Colorado, North Carolina and California. The gemstone is also found all over the world, in Spain, Brazil, Africa, South Africa, France, Britain, Madagascar and the Soviet Union. Although, not celebrated as much as Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald, Citrine holds its own position. Here’s a look at world’s most stylish...